
Bellafricana Marketplace is a fast growing online shop with strong ties to Bellafricana, which is a tech enabled community that provides a platform for creative entrepreneurs in the fashion, arts & craft, beauty, home & living, food produce & snacks industry, to gain visibility, increase sales, have the right business support and structure that gives them the capacity to grow their business. This community has a network of over 20,000 members and counting. It suffices to say that we have an endless pool of original and top quality products.

We recognize that our success is largely dependent on our employees’ professionalism and professional development, which we have backed up with best practices and effective knowledge transfer from around the world.

We place value with diversifying knowledge within our organization as we consistently provide opportunities for staff to grow across different roles in the organization.

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My name is Adesola and I will be on standby to assist you as you shop today. Got any questions about a product, special offers or payment options? Feel free to chat with me now.
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