Abela World

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Abela World

398 Herbert Macaulay Way, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria

Àbélà by Scents of Africa® is a niche, ethnic-contemporary lifestyle & artistic perfume creation house with a spirit focused on positively transforming human mind, mood & emotions in everyday routine through the essence of nature & aromatics.

Àbélà by Scents of Africa® embodies the uniqueness of aromatherapy & artistic perfumery in its collections; espousing its African essence & artistry. We approach perfume creation through the art of story-telling; telling stories of nature, culture, human experiences and the emotions that these experiences conjure in everyday living.

Àbélà by Scents of Africa® was born in the home of its founder, Deola Paul-Inyang; who inspired by the euphoria of exotic scents, desired to create a sensational, deep & emotive experience with scents.

Àbélà may sound generic, however, for the people of Western Nigerian Origin, it means “Candle”. The name Àbélà® was inspired by the childhood memories of its founder where her grandmother on New Year’s eve would light up white taper candles to usher in the New Year. Indicative of a light-filled season, her grandmother would say “e lo tan Àbélà” – which  interpreted in Yoruba means “Go, light up the candles”. Though unscented, the candle lighting experience was so profound; birthing the Àbélà® brand.

Every Àbélà product is specially curated by the brand creator; essentially giving the brand its unique euphoric and therapeutic effect. Every product is infused with pure natural extracts from environmentally sustainable sources.

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