Bosh Designs

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Bosh Designs

14 Ladipo Labinjo Crescent off Akinsemoyin off Bode Thomas, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria

B.O.S.H designs is a sustainable and circular brand that offers bespoke tailoring services(with a special focus on traditional bridal garment), produces versatile ready to wear garments with a touch of hand painting and also offers circularity services for used fashion items. The brand is very passionate about empowering the Nigerian youth and women. This already has commenced through training of sponsored trainees by well meaning individuals, religious organizations and corporate bodies.

The company has serviced over 1,000 brides, attended several local and international exhibitions and also aims to divert 1million Kilograms of fashion waste from the water bodies and dump site annually.

Why you should shop with us:

When you buy form us, you are giving consideration to preserving the environment for future generations by diverting textile byproducts from landfills and water bodies. You are empowering women and youths, providing employment across the supply chain and manufaturing process, and enablong a circular economy where everybody benefits. Let’s be the change we want to see.

Shopping Details:

Buyers are allowed to shop throw pillow covers only without the fibre filling.

Colour combination of painting and fabric choice will vary according to base colour and because they are sustainable products, pattern fabrics might vary but colour remains.

Orders can also be customised on request and at this pouint, base colours and fabric combination will be presented to buyers to make decisions.

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