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47 Francis Okediji Street, Bodija, Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria

MitiMeth creates handcrafted products from natural fibers that would otherwise be considered waste or environmental menaces. These natural fibers include aquatic weeds (water hyacinth, typha grass) and agricultural waste forms (banana bark, maize husks).

We upcycle and add value to recovered waste (plants and non-timber resources) by harvesting and transforming it into furniture and home accents, storage pieces, lamps, kitchen and dining ware, stationery, and branded souvenir items.  Everything is made locally, but designed with global appeal.

MitiMeth also runs training programs that teach local community members how to find alternative income generating opportunities by using the resources around them. These workshops are financed through partnerships with private and public sector institutions who want to see a positive return in the lives of the trainees.

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