Modara Naturals

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Modara Naturals

Lagos, Nigeria

Who we are

Modara is a luxurious natural skincare company that uses nature’s best ingredients to create pure, natural bath, body and skincare products. Our products are handmade using 100% natural ingredients ethically sourced from Nigeria, Africa and all around the world where necessary. The name ‘Modara’ is derived from my mother tongue, Yoruba, meaning ‘I do awesome things’ and that pretty much sums up who we are. Modara Limited became a registered company in May 2013 and the brand formally launched her first products in June 2015.

What we do

It is no secret that some of the world’s most treasured resources lies in Africa’s soil. We source our main ingredients locally and celebrate being a truly African company. We pride ourselves on the quality and quantity of pure and natural ingredients that we use in our product formulation.

The search for quality products that are 100% natural and chemical-free led me to start creating my own body butters, soaps and oil blends. Over the years, my quest for knowledge of natural skincare formulation and ingredients has taken me to a few places… training in skincare formulation in the UK, visits to Nigerian and Ghanaian villages and around the world in search of the purest and effective ingredients.

Quality, integrity and excellent customer service are at the core of our values as we seek to create a global brand from Africa to the world. Our product line consists of Shea body butters, oils, and African black soap washes, catering to women, men and children.

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