Morin O

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Morin O

Centro Mall, Block 69 Plot 15 Admiralty Way, Lekki Phase1, Lagos, 105102, Nigeria

Sharing African beauty, craftsmanship and creativity with the world, Morin.O Designs creates handcrafted, luxury leather handbags and accessories for men and women. Inspired by artistic innovation and ethnic designs, collections spanning handbags, wallets, iPad covers and more, are crafted with the finest leathers from Nigeria, Italy and India by a group of artisans from various parts of the motherland. However, beauty at Morin.O Designs is more than skin deep; it’s the sustainable choice with responsible sourcing, fair trade practices and styles that transcend time.

Responsible Luxury: From Africa to the World

We’re sharing our stories with the world, through craft. Meticulous craftsmanship sits at the heart of our leather accessories brand, as well as sustainability, by way of responsible sourcing, fair trade and seasonless styles – designed to never leave fashion.

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