O'Eclat Designs

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O'Eclat Designs

Muri Okunola Str. Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria

O’Eclat Designs (pronounced O-eyklah),

An Ethical Nigerian Brand designing premium leather and indigenous fabric handbags and accessories, handmade in Lagos, Nigeria.

Established in 2010, O’Eclat Designs was born out of a need to find the beautiful, perfect sized and affordable handbag and clutch that fits all our essentials and allow us keep up with our everyday lives. The need encouraged us to find skilled local artisans who are into handbag making within the country.

At O’Eclat, we have created a seamless blend of elegant design, impeccable quality and age-long traditional techniques. Our bags are elegant, structured and designed to allow every modern woman carry out their day to day activities in style without fuss. They are beautiful and feminine built on tradition and innovation with no compromise on design and versatility.

Our range of handbags will take every modern woman from dawn to dusk, appropriate for a business meeting as they are for brunch or happy hour, giving you the freedom to go about your day with ease, empowered to better live your busy, modern lifestyles.

At O’Eclat Designs, we strive to continuously provide the highest quality and affordable handmade leather and indigenous fabric handbags and accessories.

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